Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has approved the formation of Delhi Board of School Education. He said that the establishment of ‘Delhi Board of School Education’ will take revolutionary changes in the education system of Delhi towards new heights. Giving information about this, CM Arvind Kejriwal said that today we have approved the formation of Delhi Board of School Education in the Cabinet of Delhi.
He told that this board will fulfill 3 goals. We have to prepare such children who are staunch patriots, who are ready to bear the responsibility of the country in every field in the coming times. Our children should be good people and this board will prepare the children to stand on their feet. After this, he said, Delhi will now have its own Board of Education. However, it will be different from the education boards of other states.
CM Kejriwal said, the whole country has seen how revolutionary changes have come in the education system of Delhi. Education in schools has been improved. Results of children are coming up to 98 percent. He said, this international level board is being made. We will bring international practice to schools and boards. This year, 20-25 government schools will be included in this board. We hope that in 4-5 years all the government and private schools will join the voluntary board.
He told that the board will have 3 big goals. First, the students should be ready to take responsibility of the country, second, forget the difference of any religion, caste and rich and poor, become good human beings and thirty children will be prepared to provide employment not to ask for employment.