Dausa/Jaipur: Rajasthan’s newly elected Minister of State Jawahar Singh Bedam visited Dausa district for the first time after becoming Minister. During this, he fiercely attacked the Congress. He took a jibe at Congress on the question of Leader of Opposition. Jawahar Singh called Congress an army of robbers. He said that Congress should make any leader the opposition. What difference is this going to make to us? The public has been looted to a great extent during the Congress rule. Now the public relieved him from his post. After becoming Minister of State for the first time, Jawahar Singh reached Mehndipur Balaji Dham in Dausa. Where he had darshan of Hanuman ji and offered special worship. During this, while talking to the media, he strongly attacked the Congress. He said that Congress is an army of robbers. Gehlot government has looted the public a lot. Corruption paper leak, gold and cash in the secretariat safe, women atrocities, demolition of temples, rape cases, all this has happened during the Congress rule. On the question of Leader of Opposition, he said that anyone from the army of robbers should be made the Leader of Opposition. What difference will it make to us?
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