A new angle has emerged regarding the explosive-laden vehicle found from outside the businessman Mukesh Ambani’s house. A cyber agency claims that the Telegram link to Jaish-ul-Hind was built in Tihar Jail itself. Please tell that Jaish-ul-Hind had taken the responsibility of erecting an explosive SUV outside Mukesh Ambani’s house. According to the news of Indian Express, the investigating agency had asked a private cyber firm to find out the location of the phone through which the telegram channel was created. According to the report, this telegram channel was created on 26 February. On the night of 27 February, the responsibility of keeping explosives outside Ambani’s house was taken through this telegram channel.
Explain that a letter from Jaish-ul-Hind went viral after Mukesh Ambani’s vehicle was found outside the house, in which this organization claimed responsibility for the vehicle filled with explosives, though it was fake through another letter. went. In this case, on 25 February, Mumbai Police denied Jaish-ul-Hind’s connection.
When Quint tried to talk to ATS and police sources, he denied having any kind of link to Jaish-ul-Hind.
On March 5, there was a new twist in the case
On March 5, a new twist in the case of Mukesh Ambani being threatened when Mansukh Hiren, the owner of the car which was found outside Mukesh Ambani’s house Antilia, died due to suicide.
Devendra Fadnavis had then questioned that Mumbai Crime Branch Investigation Officer Sachin Vaze, who was investigating the case, was removed from the investigation a few days ago. ‘Why did this question arise?’