Former Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister and Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) leader Mehbooba Mufti appeared before the Enforcement Directorate (ED) on Thursday in connection with the investigation into the money laundering case. According to ED officials, the mufti reached the ED office around 11 am and his statement would be recorded under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA).
Earlier, the PDP leader did not appear before the ED on 15 and 23 March in Delhi. He requested the ED to interrogate him in Srinagar. It is not yet clear in which case the Mufti is being investigated.
Let me tell you that in December last year, the ED raided the house of Mehbooba’s close Anjum Fazili. The raid was related to fraud in Jammu and Kashmir Bank. During this time, the investigating agency seized Rs 28 lakh from the premises of Fazili.
The ED also questioned Farooq Abdullah, the former CM of Jammu and Kashmir, in the alleged money laundering case and seized assets worth about 12 crore.