The Kerala High Court on June 17 granted interim anticipatory bail to Lakshadweep filmmaker Aisha Sultana in the sedition case registered against her. A sedition case was registered after Aisha made controversial remarks on the administrator of Lakshadweep. A single judge bench of Justice Ashok Menon heard the interim bail petition in the Kerala High Court. The court has reserved its final order.
According to the live law, the court ordered that Aisha will have to go to Kavaratti police station for questioning on June 20 under a notice. However, the court said that if he is arrested, he will be released on bail immediately.
Aisha had approached the court for protection from arrest
Aisha had taken refuge in the court seeking protection from arrest following the FIR lodged by the Karavatti police station. This case was registered after the complaint of BJP worker. It was alleged that Aisha had called the Lakshadweep administrator a ‘bio-weapon’ during a TV debate.
Aisha’s lawyer told the court – the purpose behind the statement
Aisha’s lawyer told that her statement was about the functioning of the new administrator of Lakshadweep, Aisha had spoken about the problems being faced on the island due to her decisions. The lawyer said that during the debate in the channel, she was said to be warm. He said that Sultana has given clarification on this and has also apologized.
Supreme Court mentioned
During the hearing, the Supreme Court’s decision in Kedarnath vs Vinod Dua case was mentioned. The Supreme Court had said in the order that – even if the government was criticized in strict language, a sedition case cannot be instituted on its basis. The lawyer said that there is no need for custodial interrogation in this case.
After this, the lawyer of the Lakshadweep government gave his side and said that Aisha has put the seeds of division in the minds of the people. She is a filmmaker and influences people. If she will tell the people that the Indian government has given up ‘bioweapon’ against the people of the island, then people will start losing faith in the government.