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The cyber attack was aimed at the videos and photos shared by Achu Oommen on social media. The Congress has also come forward, alleging that pro-Left social media handles are cyber-attacking by pointing out their dress and lifestyle. The Congress accused the CPM of running away from political issues.
Since few days some cyber warriors have been spreading false propaganda related to my career. Their interference is such as to tarnish the reputation of my father Yassareena. Achu Oommen explains in a Facebook post that this is very disappointing.
I chose content creation as a profession in December 2021. The content I create on topics like fashion, travel, lifestyle, family etc. has received great feedback. Achu wrote on Facebook that he has also got an opportunity to collaborate with many brands.
Father Oommen Chandy’s name in this profession has not been acquired for such a long time. Also note that I have always been transparent in everything I have done.
My job is to introduce new model clothes, fashion approaches, new tourist destinations etc. I had to do a lot of traveling for that. I am doing all this with the full support of my husband and children.
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However, the false propaganda against me using the pictures of these trips etc. is baseless. I repeat that I have never used father Oommen Chandy’s name for any small gain of mine. Achu Oommen concludes his Facebook post by saying that I stand by my work and the honesty in approaching it.
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