The Hindi Broadcasting Standards Authority (NBSA) has imposed a fine of Rs 1 lakh on the Hindi news channel ‘Aaj Tak’. According to a report by Live Law, this action has been taken due to telecasting a fake tweet related to Sushant Singh Rajput. The channel has also been asked to apologize
The order issued on October 6 by NBSA states that Aaj Tak did not follow the proper procedure while telecasting and attributing the tweet.
It has been further stated that if the video of that program has been inserted on the broadcaster’s website, YouTube or other links, then it should be removed immediately.
The date, text and time authority of the apology will be decided. Till date, the proof of apology has to be presented in a compact disc within seven days. In a report by the News Laundry, the NBSA has been quoted stating that the authority says, to date, India TV News should also apologize for the violation of the guidelines. There is a mention in the report showing the picture of Sushant Singh Rajput’s body. According to the report, Zee News and News 24 will also have to telecast the apology. News Nation and ABP News have also been warned..