A woman was attacked by a crocodile in Palatpur village of Jajpur district. A crocodile attacked Jyotsna while taking a bath in the Birupa river in the area on Wednesday morning. After washing her clothes, the young woman went down to the river to bathe, and the crocodile attacked her and took her to the other side of the river.
Jyotsna tried to escape but to no avail. Hearing the screams, the people ran but could not save the girl after reaching the other side of the river. Some of those who ran over captured the footage on their mobile phones.
The body parts of the woman were recovered from the river by the fire brigade officials. Police said that most of the body was bitten by the crocodile. The body parts were found after hours of searching. Forest range officer Abhiram Jena said that parts of the body were missing.
Officials informed that a compensation of Rs.6 lakh will be given to the family members of the woman. Locals said that this is the fifth such incident in three months. The forest department officials said that the villagers should not come near the river or enter the river until the crocodile is caught.
Amulya Das (56) of Kulasahi village in Pattamundai was killed by a crocodile on July 26. On June 29, Gangadhar Tharei (56) of Gagaradia village was also killed by a crocodile in Brahmani river. On June 29, Gangadhar Tharei (56) was also killed by a crocodile in Brahmani river. A 45-year-old woman named Sitharani Das of Hatigadi village was killed on June 21.
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