University Vice-Chancellor Somak Raychaudhuri said in an official statement, “Das was an assistant professor in the Department of Economics. Currently on leave. He serves as a visiting faculty at the Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics (Deemed University) in Pune. An attempt was made to persuade him, but he did not agree. Then the university agreed to him and accepted his resignation.
He further said that Das’s paper on Indian elections recently caused widespread controversy after it was shared on social media. Many considered this to be in line with the ideas of the university.
V-C Raychaudhuri said, faculty members in Ashoka University have complete freedom to teach and conduct research in their respective fields. The University provides its faculty and students with an enabling environment for academic freedom in an institution of higher education in the country.
The VC said in a release, ‘The university does not direct or moderate the research done by its faculty and students. This academic freedom applies to them as well.