For the last nearly two months, there has been a lot of speculation about the BJP leadership of Uttar Pradesh. BL Santosh, the national general secretary of the organization, visited. The national president of the party called the meeting. There were reports that the RSS chief is also active regarding the UP elections. In such a situation, now CM Yogi Adityanath has reached Delhi. At around 4 pm on June 10, he reached Home Minister Amit Shah at his residence. Yogi left from there at around 5.30.
After the meeting, Yogi Adityanath has shared the picture, calling it a courtesy call.
According to the report of news agency ANI, CM Yogi can also meet PM Modi tomorrow. There are also reports of Yogi Adityanath’s meeting with many other big leaders. The CM will remain in Delhi for the next two days.
Many MLAs, ministers wrote open letters
These meetings and meetings are going on at a time when Uttar Pradesh has witnessed the Corona tragedy. In the second wave of corona, reports of deaths due to lack of beds, oxygen in hospitals came out from different districts of UP. The situation was such that many UP BJP MLAs wrote to CM Yogi and the state government expressing about the shortcomings of the health system. Law Minister Brajesh Pathak was also among the leaders who were not happy with the preparations during the Corona period. Union Minister Santosh Gangwar had also written a letter requesting him to improve the security arrangements in his district.