Preparations for Maha Kumbh are going on in full swing in Uttar Pradesh, while in a historic decision, the Uttar Pradesh government led by Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has declared the Maha Kumbh area in Prayagraj as a new district. In the decision taken on Sunday, 01 December, the new Mahakumbh Mela district was formed. It was created to streamline the management and administration of the upcoming Kumbh Mela, ensuring the smooth conduct of the grand religious event to be held in January 2025.
Let us tell you that the newly formed district will be known as Mahakumbh Mela. This step has been taken to smoothly manage the special event of Kumbh Mela and to conduct administrative work better.
Yogi government of Uttar Pradesh has declared a new district of Mahakumbh Mela area of Prayagraj. Now till Mahakumbh, there will be not 75 but 76 districts in UP. Notification has been issued in this regard. On the instructions of the government, District Magistrate Prayagraj Ravindra Kumar Mandar issued the notification late on Sunday evening.
“I, Ravindra Kumar Mandad, District Magistrate, in accordance with the instructions given in the government’s letter no. 3966/9-1-2024-408057 dated 25.11.2024, while exercising the powers conferred under Section 2 (th) of Uttar Pradesh Prayagraj Fair Authority declared Mahakumbh Mela District for organizing Mahakumbh 2025 under Prayagraj Act, 2017. Issues notification to do so.
Let us tell you that Mahakumbh 2025 is being organized between 13 January and 26 February. This district remains in existence for a few days after the fair. It is noteworthy that during Mahakumbh, a whole new city is established. Therefore, there is a tradition of declaring a new district during this period.