If you need cash in case of an emergency, but you only have a bank card, it is very easy to get it. You just have to go to a branch where there are ATMs and you can withdraw it there.
However, you should keep in mind that when it is a different bank than your card, you will have to pay a commission. In this link We tell you how much each bank charges.
However, we have news for you. There are also banks that have agreements between them and do not charge you a commission. The National Commission for the Protection and Defense of Users of Financial Services (Condusef) indicates that these ATMs are within the Multired agreement and they do not charge you to check your balance, which is another of the most common needs.
HSBC, Scotiabank, BanBajío, Inbursa, Banregio and Banca Mifel make up a network of ATMs that total more than 9 thousand.
BanBajío is also part of Multired, but also has an agreement to use its ATMs without charging commissions with Affirme, Intercam, Banco Azteca, Bancoppel, and Bancrea.
Banco Azteca is not affiliated with Multired, but has alliances with Multiva, Banca Mifel, Ban Bajío and Afirme.
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