WhatsApp, the most popular messaging app in the world, is renewed with an update aimed at improving the communication experience of its users. Meta, the parent company, announced the introduction of four new features that will make the app more intuitive, fun and customizable. One of the main changes concerns the reactions to messages. Thanks to the update, it will be possible to react to a message with the most used emoji simply with a double tap. This function, designed to speed up interaction between users, offers a quick and immediate way to express one’s emotions without having to use the keyboard. To access the full range of emojis, the “plus” symbol remains available, which allows you to select any desired reaction.
Another important innovation is represented by the possibility of creating personalized stickers starting from your own selfies. This feature, already available for Android users, will soon also arrive on iOS. To create a new sticker, simply tap the “create sticker” icon and take a selfie with the app’s built-in camera. In this way, users will be able to give a personal touch to their conversations by creating unique and original stickers. The update also introduces a number of new tools to enrich photo and video sharing in chats. WhatsApp now offers users a selection of 30 backgrounds, filters and effects that allow them to personalize their shots before sending them. This feature offers a creative and fun way to make conversations more engaging and original. Finally, WhatsApp makes it easy to share sticker packs with your contacts: just select the sticker pack you want to share and send it directly in the chat.