Technical problems in WhatsApp, Meta’s messaging platform, have not allowed its users to correctly publish messages and send communications for several hours. The same has happened with Instagram and Facebook, which provided poor service, according to the DownDetector website, which specializes in recording mishaps in services connected to the internet in real time. The publications had problems being sent or viewed, as reported by many users from different countries starting at 6:35 p.m., Spanish peninsular time.
WhatsApp communications were recovered shortly after, but the problems on Instagram with publishing or viewing posts continued after 7:20 p.m. Threads, another of Meta’s applications, was also experiencing problems in some countries with more users, such as the United States. As of 7:30 p.m., services began to recover after exceeding the peak of incidents, but later the messaging application continued to cause problems. problems intermittently, as the company acknowledged in a tweet.
We’re aware that a technical issue is impacting some users’ ability to access our apps. We’re working to get things back to normal as quickly as possible and apologize for any inconvenience.
— Meta (@Meta) December 11, 2024
“We are aware that a technical issue is affecting the ability of some users to access our applications. “We are working to get everything back to normal as soon as possible and we apologize for any inconvenience,” they published on . “We’re just doing some final checks. “We apologize to those who were affected by the service interruption.”
On March 5 and later on April 3, Meta applications suffered another global outage that caused inconvenience to its customers, and on those occasions it also affected Instagram and Facebook. This is, therefore, the third major drop in services from Mark Zuckerberg’s company so far this year.
WhatsApp is the most used instant messaging system in the world, with nearly 2 billion users. The company was acquired in 2014 by Meta (then Facebook), after disbursing $21.8 billion.
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