Infamous gangsters Jaipal Bhullar and Jassi Kharar, who are absconding in the murder of two sub-inspectors in Punjab, have been killed in an encounter. In a joint operation by the Punjab Police and the Special Task Force of West Bengal, both these miscreants were killed in Newtown, Kolkata. The Tribune has quoted sources as saying that this encounter was a joint operation of Punjab Police, West Bengal Police and Central Security Agencies.
The Punjab Police was on the lookout for Bhullar for a long time. Many charges including murder, drug dealing are registered against the miscreant Bhullar. On May 15, both of them had killed ASI Bhagwan Singh and Dalwinderjit Singh in Jagraon.
Bhullar was the son of a policeman, a national level player
Before coming to the world of crime, he was a national level player. Despite being the son of a policeman, the desire to become famous quickly made him a thief and a murderer from Hammer Player. Jaipal’s desire to be famous can be gauged from his 3 year old exploit. According to the Hindustan Times report, on 30 April 2016, Jaipal killed his rival gangster and leader Jaswinder Singh Rocky. After the murder, Jaipal himself announced on Facebook that he had committed the murder.
1 crore loot after murder
After announcing the murder on Facebook, Jaipal’s spirits became more elevated. A year later, in 2017, Jaipal and his associates robbed an Axis Bank cash van of Rs 1.33 crore near Chandigarh.
But this was only the beginning of Jaipal’s exploits. On 17 February 2020, Bhullar along with his brother Amritpal Singh and several associates robbed 30 kg of gold on Gill Road in Ludhiana. The police managed to reach Amritpal and others. But as usual, Jaipal dodged this time too. Jaipal’s fellow gangsters Vicky Gounder and Prema Lahoria were killed in the encounter.