On the eve of presidential debate in Argentina between the Peronist candidate, Sergio Massa, and the far-right Javier Milei, the La Libertad Avanza candidate has received the support of nine former Latin American presidents, also the Spanish Mariano Rajoy and the Nobel Prize in Literature Mario Vargas Llosa, who through a statement asked Argentines to “democratically eradicate” Kirchnerism.
“The undersigned consider that a new mandate from the Kirchnerist space would bury the fragile antibodies that Argentina still maintains against economic populism, authoritarianism and political corruption, and the corporatist pact,” indicated a statement shared by the liberal space on its social networks.
The document bears the signatures of former presidents Mauricio Macri (Argentina), Felipe Calderón and Vicente Fox (Mexico), Iván Duque and Andrés Pastrana (Colombia), Jorge Quiroga (Bolivia), Sebastián Piñera (Chile), along with those of the former governor of Puerto Rico Luis Fortuño and the former head of the Government of Spain Mariano Rajoy, as well as the Nobel Prize in Literature Mario Vargas Llosa.
On November 19, Argentina will hold the second round of the presidential elections, where citizens will have to choose between the Minister of Economy and candidate of Unión por la Patria (Peronism), Sergio Massa, and the liberal economist, Javier Milei.
In the letter, the nine former presidents and the writer considered that Kirchnerism “hegemonized” Argentine political life and aspires to obtain a fifth term in a country “stagnant, with three-digit inflation, record poverty and unemployment that is disguised with welfare. and social plans.”
Currently, the South American country is experiencing a socioeconomic crisis with year-on-year inflation of 138.3% and poverty of 40.1%, to which are added constant exchange rate attacks due to the fragility of its currency with respect to the US dollar.
“Milei has a very accurate diagnosis regarding the country’s economic problem”
Statement of support for Javier Milei
Besides, They stressed that “Massa represents the continuity of a failed corporate economic model” and they highlighted that their political project will be similar to that of former presidents Néstor Kirchner (2003-2007) and Cristina Fernández (2007-2015): “achieving political hegemony by dint of budget and punishment of the opposition.”
The document also mentions that despite the “many differences” with the liberal candidate, Milei “has a very accurate diagnosis regarding the country’s economic problem.” “It is our hope and desire that Argentines democratically eradicate at the polls the model that ties them to populism, economic backwardness and political authoritarianism and, finally, opt for change towards freedom, progress and justice,” they concluded.