Chennai: Actor and DMD president Vijayakanth passed away on Thursday morning. Mansoor Alikhan participated in Vijayakanth’s final event starting at Saligramam house and ending at the funeral at Koyambedu party office with troubled eyes. Netizens are fondly commenting on his repeated tragedy.
Mansoor Alikhan, who made his debut as an actor in Sathyaraj’s ‘Velai Gidaichuduchu’ released in 1990, played a minor role in that film. After that, he acted in the film ‘Thangamana Thangachi’. Mansoor Ali Khan, who used to play minor roles, was given a compelling villain role by Vijayakanth. It was the 1991 film ‘Captain Prabhakaran’ that brought Mansoor Ali Khan widespread recognition. Vijayakanth, who introduced and nurtured many actors and directors in the Tamil film industry, played a major role in the development of Mansoor Ali Khan’s film industry.
Mansoor Ali Khan has worked with Vijayakanth in various films like ‘Moonjeluthil Moochuriru’, ‘Taimozhi’, ‘Poor Caste’. Mansoor Ali Khan, who always had respect and love for Vijayakanth because he was the one who nurtured his development, had said on a stage, “The only actor I like is Vijayakanth”.
Mansoor Alikhan, who was recently admitted to Vijayakanth Hospital for treatment, said, “Brother! Why do you have this test? I am crying for your Mansoor Ali Khan. Get well! Tirumala Nayak Nayayak who made me a dancer! At a time when superman protagonists were crawling around building up and doping the antagonist, kicking them back, flying kicks, and kicking them back and flying in the air, bro! When will you come and kick?” He had made a passionate statement.
It was in this context that Mansoor Ali Khan, who went home after hearing the news of Vijayakanth’s death, cried and cried seeing his body. Later, Vijayakanth’s body was taken in a procession to Koyambedu DMUDika office for public tributes. Then he walked with the public in tears.
Later in the DMUDIK office, Mansoor Alikhan was with him motionless next to the box containing Vijayakanth’s body which was kept as a tribute. By the way, Vijaykanth was at his feet. Videos of him breaking down with a troubled face from morning to night went viral on social media. Mansoor stayed there for more than 10 hours because of his love for Vijayakanth.
These photos of him made fans excited. Vijayakanth bid farewell to his teacher Vijayakanth by sitting till his death in Koyambedu office. Although Mansoor has been embroiled in controversies in between, his unwavering loyalty has been admired by many. Some netizens are commenting, “One friend like Mansoor is enough”.