Namo Bharat Train ticket booking from IRCTC Platform: There is good news for those who travel daily by Namo Bharat Train. Now travelling in the country’s first rapid train is going to be even easier. For the convenience of passengersRailways has decided to make the ticket booking option of Rapid Train very easy. Now passengers will be able to book tickets for Namo Bharat Train from IRCTC platform like a normal railway ticket. For the convenience of passengers, this benefit is going to be available under ‘One India-One Ticket’. Currently, Rapid Train Namo Bharat is being run between Sahibabad and Modinagar North. Through this train, railway passengers are able to travel a distance of about 34 km from Sahibabad to Modinagar North in a very short time.
Features of Namo Bharat Rapid Train
PM Narendra Modi inaugurated the country’s first rapid train ‘Namo Bharat’ in October 2023. This rapid train is being run on the Delhi-Ghaziabad-Meerut RRTS corridor. In the initial phase, the Namo Bharat train was run on the 17 km long priority section from Sahibabad to Duhai. There are several stations between Sahibabad and Duhai – Sahibabad, Ghaziabad, Guldhar, Duhai and Duhai-Depot. It was expanded in the second phase. In the second phase, the rapid train was run from Duhai Depot to Modinagar North on the Delhi-Meerut RRTS section in March this year.
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After the expansion in the second phase, now people can travel between Sahibabad and Modinagar North in a very short time by the country’s first semi high speed urban train Namo Bharat. The rapid train will cover the distance of about 34 km from Sahibabad to Modinagar North in just half an hour. This has made it very easy for the people of Modinagar to go to Ghaziabad and Delhi. Let us tell you that the entire network of Delhi-Meerut Corridor is 82 km long, which will have about 25 stations. It will connect Delhi to Meerut in less than 1 hour passing through Ghaziabad, Muradnagar and Modinagar.