A tragic incident in the family of international shooting player Manu Bhaker has shocked everyone. His maternal grandmother Savitri Devi and elder maternal uncle Yudhveer Singh died in a tragic road accident on Mahendragarh bypass road. This accident happened when both of them were returning home riding a scooter. There was a massive collision between the Scooty and the Brezza car and both died on the spot.
Driver absconding after the accident
The Brezza car was traveling at a very high speed and the collision was so severe that the scooter was completely damaged. The driver of the vehicle fled from the spot immediately after the incident. Local people informed the police. Police reached the spot and took possession of the bodies and sent them to the hospital for post-mortem.
Police engaged in investigation
Police teams under the leadership of police station in-charge are investigating the accident. Nearby CCTV footage is being scrutinized so that the exact cause of the accident and the driver can be identified. Police say that the accused driver will be arrested soon.
Shadow of grief over Manu Bhaker’s family after receiving Khel Ratna
This tragic incident has left Manu Bhaker and his family in deep shock. Just two days ago, President Draupadi Murmu had honored him with the country’s highest sports honour, the Khel Ratna Award. After this achievement, there was an atmosphere of happiness in the entire family, but this accident turned happiness into sadness.
An atmosphere of mourning in the family and village
There is an atmosphere of mourning in the entire family and village due to the news of the demise of Savitri Devi and Yudhveer Singh. The villagers told that Savitri Devi and Yudhveer Singh were always of friendly and helpful nature. Close relatives of Manu Bhakar say that this accident is a big personal loss for him.
Question on road safety
This incident has once again exposed the problem of increasing road accidents and speeding vehicles on Mahendragarh Bypass Road. Local people have demanded the administration to strictly enforce the speed limit on the bypass road and take strict measures for traffic control.
last farewell
The last rites of Savitri Devi and Yudhveer Singh will be performed in their native village. The people of the entire village are standing with the bereaved family and are expecting immediate action from the administration in this matter.
This accident is not only a personal loss for a family, but also raises serious questions about road safety. Now it remains to be seen what steps the administration takes after learning from this incident.