Despite the advancement of other screens, open television is still the most popular means of communication in Brazil — and also the one that earns the most from advertising. So much so that some competitors have used the good old commercial break to become popular in the country.
This Friday (11th), when Television Day is celebrated in Brazil, the F5 had access to an unprecedented survey carried out by the media intelligence platform Tunad that shows which brands appeared most in the broadcasters’ intervals in 2023. And it is the streaming services that lead.
Globoplay, from Globo, appears in first place, with 37,700 insertions, all of them within the audience leader’s range. Second place goes to soap brand Dove, which appeared 24,600 times on the five largest networks in the country —Record, SBT, RedeTV! and Band, in addition to Globo. The pay TV operator Sky completes the podium, with 24 thousand appearances.
Despite having reached third place in the ranking, Sky has not aired inserts at intervals since June. The companies Claro, Rexona, Viva Sorte, Mercado Livre, Banco do Brasil, Bradesco and Vivo complete the top 10. The monitoring accompanied all the main TVs in the 15 main cities in Brazil that have ratings measured by Kantar Ibope.
Tunad’s survey demonstrates the power of TV to leverage online. In pay TV, among the ten brands that most advertised, 40% are streaming services. Who leads this ranking is Disney + (44.2 thousand insertions).
Following, appear the operator Claro (38.1 thousand) and the travel agency Max Milhas (35.5 thousand). Completing the top 10 are streaming services Star + and HBO Max, perfume company Natura, language school Open English, Globoplay, mattress brand Emma and betting company Betano.
Regarding the average amount spent among the companies that most advertised on the small screen during the first half of 2023, the amount reached R$ 67.3 million on open TV and R$ 18.7 million on pay TV.
“Faced with this scenario, Television Day in Brazil takes on more meaning, an opportunity to recognize the role of this means of communication in the lives of millions of Brazilians, remaining as a central pillar of culture, entertainment and also in the promotion of digital in the country “, says Ricardo Monteiro, COO of Tunad.