Sunburn and skin irritation not only happen to people who forget to bring or forget to apply sunscreen, but it can happen even when you use sunscreen (not enough, not suitable, not reapplying in time).
There are some best traditional, natural options for sunburn pain relief that are great to keep on hand when going on long vacations, to ensure enjoyment for you and your family or friends. be complete, perfect.
If you’ve ever been sunburned (or nearly so), you know better how painful it can be to not protect yourself adequately. The pain associated with sunburned skin can make even the most basic activities – accidentally touching the burned area, getting dressed, bathing or sleeping – extremely uncomfortable.

Aloe vera: Direct juice from the aloe vera plant is the best form to use for sunburn. To extract the juice, slit an aloe vera leaf and use a spoon to extract the liquid from inside before applying it to the burned area. If you don’t have an aloe vera plant or need to cover a larger surface area, you can find all-natural aloe vera gel at many stores and pharmacies.

Coconut oil: Fats found in coconut oil can help protect and soften burned skin. To use coconut oil on a sunburn, first cool the area with cool (but not cold) water, using a damp washcloth or in the bath or shower. Then apply coconut oil on the affected area. It will gradually absorb into the skin and soothe the burn

Oatmeal: Is a popular natural remedy for soothing skin irritations. For sunburn, you can make a paste with oatmeal, milk and honey to apply to the area. Alternatively, you can create a packet of ground oatmeal using a sock or cheesecloth with a string and soak it in a warm bath. (Note: Do not put liquid oatmeal in the bath) Relax in the bath and let the oatmeal water work on your skin, occasionally squeezing the packet to extract more of its essence into the water

Sunburned skin will dry out and you may also become a little dehydrated when out in the sun. Drink water and eat hydrating foods, including juicy fruits like grapes, watermelon or oranges
Sunburn isn’t just a temporary cause of pain – too much sun exposure will permanently damage your skin. Over time, this can lead to changes in skin texture, dark spots, wrinkles and potentially skin cancer. If your sunburn is accompanied by blisters, nausea, dizziness, fever or chills, contact your doctor immediately because these may be symptoms of a serious condition called sun poisoning. God.
According to: Health Cleveland Clinic, Healthline