Famous Bollywood comedian Kapil Sharma, actor Rajpal Yadav, singer Sugandha Mishra and choreographer Remo D’Souza have received death threatening emails. This threat has been given not only to him, but also to his family and close ones. Initial investigation has revealed that these emails have been sent from Pakistan.
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In the email, a person identifying himself as “Vishnu” wrote, “This is not a publicity stunt. We have information about your every activity. If a response is not received within eight hours, it will be considered a sign of not being taken seriously.” Along with the threat, instructions have also been given that it should be kept confidential, otherwise its consequences could be serious.
Police of Test
A complaint has been registered at Amboli Police Station, Mumbai. Police have filed a case under section 351(3) of the Indian Penal Code. In the initial investigation, the IP address of the threatening email has been found to be from Pakistan. Efforts are being made to get to the bottom of this matter through technical investigation.
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Rajpal Yadav, Sugandha Mishra and Remo D’Souza have also complained to the police after receiving threatening emails. However, till now no official statement has come from these stars or their families.
First Too mill finished Are threats
This is not the first time that Bollywood stars have received such threats. Last year, Salman Khan was also given death threats several times. Recently, the case of knife attack on Saif Ali Khan was also in discussion. At present the police is investigating the matter and taking steps to ensure the safety of the stars. What is the motive behind those making threats, it may become clear in the coming days.