Every beginning of the year there is a price increase in various sectors of the economic sphere, among them, the procedures for the Mexican passport and the American visa.
Both documents are essential requirements to be able to travel to the neighboring country, as they validate the authorization to cross the border. In this sense, if your documents are expired and you have not renewed them or if you are thinking of taking a trip abroad, but you do not yet have them, we recommend that you complete the procedure before the end of the year.
What will be the cost of the Mexican passport in 2024?
Although the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has not confirmed the increase of cost in the procedure, An increase of $100 or $200 pesos more than the current price is estimated.
This calculation is based on the increase in the passport valid for 3 years. in 2022at that time process said document It had a cost of 1,471 pesos and by 2023 it will cost 1,585That is, from one year to the next the cost to process the Mexican passport increased by 114 pesos.
Now, it is important to highlight that, number one, The cost of the passport will depend on the validity you requestand number two, These are estimated prices, since nothing has been confirmed yet.
- Mexican passport valid for three years: Approximately 1,685 pesos.
- Mexican passport valid for six years: Approximately 2,355 pesos.
- Mexican passport valid for ten years: Approximately 3,880 pesos.
What will be the cost of the American visa in 2024?
In the same way as the passport, The cost will depend on the type of visa you apply for.
However, the cost to process this document was recently renewed in June, so will not increase its costs in January, but until June 2024, but the increase is expected to be between 20 and 100 dollars moreleaving the following costs.
- Tourist visa could cost 185 dollars.
- Work visa could cost $205.
- Visa for merchants could cost $315.
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