He extraordinary draw for Hispanic Heritage Day of the National Lottery It is one of the most anticipated due to the great special prize that is at stake: 14.87 million euros for a single fraction and series.
However, if you do not win this special prize from the National Lottery on Saturday, October 14, 2023, You can always opt for the 105 million euros that the State Lotteries and Betting reserves for the prizes.
The first prize of the National Lottery of Spain for Hispanic Heritage Day 2023 amounts to 1,300,000 euros for the series, which amounts to 130,000 euros to the tenth. Likewise, the second prize is endowed with 250,000 euros for the series, or what is the same, 25,000 euros for the tenth to which are added prizes for the approximations of both prizes, for the hundreds and for the refunds, the latter being endowed with 15 euros, which costs the tenth.
Chances of winning the 2023 National Lottery Hispanic Day draw
Given that 10 sets of 100,000 five-digit numbers are put into play, the probability of winning The special prize for the National Lottery draw for Hispanic Heritage Day is 1 in 1,000,000 euros by purchasing a single tenth. Of course, the odds increase the more tenths you acquire.