Today is the final daythe purchase of Activision Blizzard could close on Friday, October 13 officially after approval by the CMA, the United Kingdom regulator. However, for this a series of necessary adjustments have had to be made. The European Union has been very attentive to the movements of the British island, and even weeks ago there was a small possibility that there could be a new investigation.
However, Bloomberg claims that the European Commission will not reevaluate the acquisition of Activision Blizzard. Without a doubt, this brings Microsoft even closer to its goal of close the purchase before October 18, but some reports indicated that it could be this Friday. In this way, the European body has concluded that the changes made in the United Kingdom do not need another approval process.
Microsoft has resolved all the CMA’s doubts after offering Ubisoft the distribution rights of Activision games in the cloud market. This will apply in the majority of markets, except in Europe, since the regulator does not see new competition problems, according to sources familiar with the aforementioned media.
The CWA hopes that the purchase of Activision Blizzard will be closed
The popular journalist from The Verge, Tom Warren, has collected through X (Twitter) the statements of the Communication Workers of America (CWA) union: “We hope that Microsoft’s acquisition of Activision Blizzard will be officially closes tomorrow“. This will allow more Activision employees to form unions, and these movements will be enabled 60 days after the deal closes, that is, starting the week of December 18.