In addition to the new privacy policy, CEO Durov announced that moderators are using artificial intelligence to identify and remove problematic content from the search function.
September 23, 2024 | 11:40 PM
READING TIME: 1 minute
Telegram has announced a significant change to its privacy policy: the platform will now be able to provide a user’s phone number and IP address to law enforcement in response to a valid request. The move comes after Telegram CEO Pavel Durov was arrested in Paris last month on charges of enabling illegal activity on the platform. Durov said the change is intended to “discourage criminals from abusing” the app’s search function, which has been used to “sell illegal goods.” He stressed that Telegram will not allow “bad actors” to compromise the integrity of the platform for nearly a billion users.
Previously, Telegram’s policy on cooperating with law enforcement only applied to suspected terrorists. The new policy extends this to all cases where the relevant authorities submit a valid request related to criminal activity that violates Telegram’s Terms of Service. Telegram has pledged to inform users about the disclosure of personal information to authorities through its quarterly transparency reports. In addition to the new privacy policy, Durov announced that moderators are using artificial intelligence to identify and remove problematic content from the search function. In recent weeks, Telegram has also changed its approach to moderating private chats and disabled some “misused” features.