The RJD has announced a Bihar bandh on Tuesday following a fierce uproar in the Bihar assembly and misbehavior with legislators. Former Bihar Deputy CM and RJD leader Tejashwi Yadav says that his party will celebrate March 26 as Kala Diwas and shut down Bihar.
Let me tell you that this entire ruckus is about the Bihar Special Armed Police Force 2021 bill, which has been passed by the Legislative Assembly. During the press conference held at Rabri residence, Leader of Opposition Tejashwi said, ‘I am not going to forget that the opposition MLAs have been beaten up in the Bihar Assembly.’
Tejaswi said, “Bihar Bandh, The entire Grand Alliance has called for the closure of Bihar on March 26, against the demise of democracy by CM in Bihar Legislative Assembly, beating of MLAs, unemployment, inflation, farmers bill. All Biharis should take part in this bandh and raise their voice against this egoistic government.
Tejashwi’s attack on Nitish
Tejashwi Yadav attacked CM Nitish after beating the MLAs of the opposition party. He said, “The Chief Minister is talking about decorum, where was it when his ministers were misbehaving inside the House by showing a finger to the Speaker. Didn’t he think of dignity then?”
What is the whole matter?
In fact, the NDA government had introduced the Special Armed Police Bill in the Assembly, which was opposed by the MLAs of RJD, Congress and the Left. The protest increased so much that some legislators started trying to tear down the copy of the bill. Many legislators reached the speaker’s chair. After which the speaker called the police in the assembly.
Several videos of the assembly have come out in which the police are seen dragging the MLAs out of the house. Not only this, the Congress MLA Santosh Mishra from Karghar in Rohtas inside the campus, was beaten by shoes by the police in the Vidhan Sabha. They were dragged too far.