Prime Minister Narendra Modi today distributed property cards of more than 65 lakhs under the Swamitva Yojana. During this, PM Modi also talked to the beneficiaries through video conference. After 65 lakh cards were distributed today, he said that now about 2.24 crore people in the villages will have ownership property cards.
Prime Minister Modi said that property rights is a big challenge across the world, the United Nations believes that property rights are necessary to eradicate poverty. Let us know about what is Swamitva Yojana and what benefits will people get from it.
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Responding to a post by MyGovIndia on Twitter, the Prime Minister said that What has changed after the introduction of the ownership scheme can be understood from the details given here.
Before the SVAMITVA scheme, many villagers faced difficulties without any official land documents, leading to uncertainty and disputes. But now with the success of the scheme, which has covered almost 92% of villages in just 3.5 years, property ownership has been secured, providing stability and clear rights to millions of people in rural India.
Land disputes were a common problem in rural India because ownership rights were unclear and records were old. The digital property card of the SVAMITVA scheme has reduced these disputes, providing clarity and security to land owners.
Before SVAMITVA, local governments faced difficulty in property tax collection due to lack of accurate records but with the digitization of land records under SVAMITVA, local authorities can now assess property tax accurately, thereby increasing revenue for gram panchayats. And rural development accelerates.
Before SVAMITVA, women faced barriers in claiming property rights due to traditional practices but under SVAMITVA, women now get legal property ownership documents, empowering them economically and achieving gender equality in rural communities. Promote equality.
Before SVAMITVA, inaccurate land records hindered infrastructure planning and development but now the collective effort of drone mapping and digital land records has enabled smart infrastructure planning in rural India. SVAMITVA is converting challenges into opportunities for better utilization and development of resources.
In the e-distribution program of property cards under the Swamitva scheme, the Prime Minister said that Swamitva property cards have become a big guarantee of economic security.
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What is ownership plan?
In rural areas, land records are prepared digitally. ownership plan (SVAMITVA Scheme) is an initiative of the Ministry of Panchayati Raj, the objective of which is to provide Record of Rights to land owners in rural areas using drones and GIS technology. From this They can use their assets for financial gain such as taking a loan. The ownership scheme was launched on April 24, 2020 to reduce land related disputes in rural areas and for the economic progress of rural India.
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What is the specialty of the scheme
- The scheme uses drone technology to survey stretches of rural land.
- It is being implemented in a phased manner in 6.62 lakh villages of India from 2020 to 2025.
- Its pilot phase took place in six states in 2020-21, covering 1 lakh villages.
- Its objectives are: financial stability for villagers, accurate land records for planning, property tax assessment, improvement in gram panchayat development plans, and reducing property disputes.
- It uses the Continuously Operating Reference Stations (CORS) network for centimeter accurate mapping.
- This results in the issuance of updated revenue property registers and property cards, which are also available through DigiLocker.