Simulating a fast radio broadcast from a distant galaxy to the Earth
Although only appearing in a few thousand seconds, FRB creates so powerful energy that it only takes a signal to release the energy level more than the whole year of the sun’s operation.
What has created so fast radio broadcasts with such a terrible level? Astronomers hypothesized that the word star is the source of the FRBs, with the word star as a neutron star with the magnetic field that is probably thousands of dongs stronger than the magnetic field of the fruit.
However, the above hypothesis has now been shaken when the researchers discovered the latest FRB event, named FRB 20240209A, and originated from a dead galaxy about 11.3 billion years ago. bright.
New discovery is challenging
Published through two reports on specialized The Astrophysical Journal Lettersthe new discovery has reversed the view that has long thought that FRB only originated from the star production areas of the galaxies. Meanwhile, as the name pointed out, the dead galaxies could no longer create.
Another evidence shows the abnormalities of the origin of the FRB, the researchers believe that the signal source comes from the most distant peripheral of the galaxy, about 130,000 light -years from the galaxy center. This is the area where the stars left on the verge of death, experiencing the last days of evolution.
“This is a surprising and interesting discovery, because the FRBs are only stemming from within the galaxies, usually from the star production areas,” according to the author Vishwangi Shah of a report. And is the astronomer of McGill University (Canada).
Mr. Shah asked many questions to be solved regarding the location of the FRB. Up to now, experts still do not know why such abundant energy release events come from the area that no longer can appear new stars.