SIP in Large Cap Funds : Usually, stocks of large-cap companies give lower returns than mid-cap or small-cap, but they have more stability. Therefore, investing in large-cap is preferred for a safe portfolio. From a portfolio perspective, large-cap has a different role. If an investor is looking for better returns at low risk, then large-cap mutual funds can be the best option. On the other hand, if you show patience by investing in large-cap mutual funds, then you can prove to be a winner among investors.
Airtel Finance FD: Opportunity to book up to 9.1% interest on FD, Airtel Finance launched scheme, deposit up to Rs 5 lakh is 100% safe
There are many large cap funds in the market that have made investors winners in the last 11 years. The annualized return (SIP) of these funds in the last 11 years has been 18 percent to 22 percent. On the other hand, their 10-year annualized return on lump sum investment has been up to 19 percent. In this sense, they have increased the investors’ money up to 5 times in 10 years. Large cap funds invest in the stocks of the top 100 companies in terms of market cap, most of which are market leaders in their sectors.
Quant Focused Fund
Quant focused funds have given around 22% annualized return to SIP investors in 11 years. Whereas in 10 years, it has given 19% annualized return on lump sum investment.
SIP Calculator
Monthly SIP: Rs 5000
Upfront investment: Rs 1,00,000
Duration: 11 years
Annualized Return: 21.85%
Total investment in 11 years: Rs 7,60,000
Total value of SIP in 11 years: Rs 32,64,750
Lumps Sum Calculator
One Time Investment: Rs 1,00,000
Duration : 10 years
Annualized Return: 19%
Value of investment in 10 years: Rs 5,69,468
Top Stocks
Life Insurance
Dr. Reddy’S Labs
Britannia Ind
SCSS: Facility of monthly income up to Rs 40100 after retirement, if you do not withdraw money, you will get 24 lakh interest
Nippon India Large Cap Fund
Nippon India Largecap Fund has given around 19.45 percent annualized return to those who did SIP in 11 years. Whereas in 10 years, it has given 16.25 percent annualized return on lump sum investment.
SIP Calculator
Monthly SIP: Rs 5000
Upfront investment: Rs 1,00,000
Duration: 11 years
Annualized Return: 19.45%
Total investment in 11 years: Rs 7,60,000
Total value of SIP in 11 years: Rs 27,68,111
Lumps Sum Calculator
One Time Investment: Rs 1,00,000
Duration : 10 years
Annualized Return: 16.25%
Value of investment in 10 years: Rs 4,50,744
Top Stocks
Reliance Ind
Banking Scheme: Investment of 1 lakh in banking scheme became 54 lakhs, got 1.50 crores on monthly SIP of Rs 5000, was launched 21 years ago
ICICI Prudential Nifty Next 50 Index Fund
ICICI Prudential Nifty Next 50 Index Fund has given around 18.84% annualized return to those who did SIP in 11 years. While in 10 years, it has given 16% annualized return on lump sum investment.
SIP Calculator
Monthly SIP: Rs 5000
Upfront investment: Rs 1,00,000
Duration: 11 years
Annualized Return: 18.84%
Total investment in 11 years: Rs 7,60,000
Total value of SIP in 11 years: Rs 26,55,798
Lumps Sum Calculator
One Time Investment: Rs 1,00,000
Duration : 10 years
Annualized Return: 15.95%
Value of investment in 10 years: Rs 4,39,246
Top Stocks
Bharat Electronics
Hindustan Aero
Power Fin.
Tata Power
LIC MF SIP: LIC introduced 3 schemes 30 years ago, those who deposited only 2000 rupees monthly got 50 to 60 lakh rupees
LIC MF Nifty Next 50 Index Fund
ICICI Prudential Nifty Next 50 Index Fund has given around 18.76 percent annualized return to those who did SIP in 11 years. While in 10 years, it has given 15.86 percent annualized return on lump sum investment.
SIP Calculator
Monthly SIP: Rs 5000
Upfront investment: Rs 1,00,000
Duration: 11 years
Annualized Return: 18.76%
Total investment in 11 years: Rs 7,60,000
Total value of SIP in 11 years: Rs 26,39,623
Lumps Sum Calculator
One Time Investment: Rs 1,00,000
Duration : 10 years
Annualized Return: 15.86%
Value of investment in 10 years: Rs 4,35,848
Top Stocks
Bharat Electronics
Hindustan Aero
Aviation World
Power Fin.
Losing Money in SIP: Mutual Funds are losing money in SIP, these 6 investment strategies will bring the returns back on track
Invesco India Largecap Fund
Invesco India Largecap Fund has given around 18.08 percent annualized return to those who did SIP in 11 years. Whereas in 10 years, it has given 15.74 percent annualized return on lump sum investment.
SIP Calculator
Monthly SIP: Rs 5000
Upfront investment: Rs 1,00,000
Duration: 11 years
Annualized Return: 18.08%
Total investment in 11 years: Rs 7,60,000
Total value of SIP in 11 years: Rs 25,19,635
Lumps Sum Calculator
One Time Investment: Rs 1,00,000
Duration : 10 years
Annualized Return: 15.74%
Value of investment in 10 years: Rs 4,31,355
Top Stocks
Reliance Ind
Tata Consultancy
(Source: Value Research)
(Note: Here we have given information only about the returns of large cap funds. This is not an investment advice. There are risks in the market, so take investment decisions only after consulting an advisor.)