SBI Mutual Fund Top Schemes:Many equity schemes of SBI Mutual Fund, one of the leading fund houses of the country, have given excellent returns to their investors during the last one year. Among these, there are at least 8 mutual fund schemes whose return in the last one year is more than 50 percent. These schemes giving excellent returns include PSU funds investing in government companies, major index funds, infrastructure funds and small cap funds. Among these, the annual return of the scheme giving the highest income to the investors is more than 77 percent.
Have you invested in any of these schemes?
If you have also invested in any of these 8 equity schemes of SBI Mutual Fund, then you must be getting its benefits. But if you have not done so till now and are thinking of investing in equity funds, then you can reach a decision by getting information about these schemes of SBI Mutual Fund.
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Returns of top equity funds of SBI Mutual Fund
For your convenience, here is information about all those 8 schemes of SBI Mutual Fund, which have given 50 percent or more return in the last one year. Along with the name of each scheme, its return data for the last one year is also given.
1.SBI PSU Fund-Direct Plan
Last 1 Year Return : 77.13%
2. SBI Nifty Next 50 ETF
Last 1 Year Return : 68.49%
3. SBI Nifty Next 50 Index Fund – Direct Plan
Last 1 Year Return : 68.12%
4. SBI Infrastructure Fund – Direct Plan
Last 1 Year Return : 59.44%
5. SBI Long Term Equity Fund – Direct Plan
Last 1 Year Return : 56.71%
6.SBI BSE Sensex Next 50 ETF
Last 1 Year Return : 54.60%
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7. SBI Long Term Advantage Fund Series V – Direct Plan
Last 1 Year Return : 52.86%
8. SBI Nifty Smallcap 250 Index Fund – Direct Plan
Last 1 Year Return : 51.48%
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Should you invest in these funds?
The return figures of the last 1 year of all these schemes of SBI Mutual Fund are very attractive. But should you also decide to invest in them after seeing these figures? Actually, the decision to invest in any stock or equity mutual fund cannot be taken only on this basis. There is always market risk associated with investing in them. Apart from this, the full benefit of investing in equity is available only by investing regularly in the long term. Therefore, only those people should invest in any equity fund who want to make long term investments and have the ability to take market risks for better returns.
(Disclaimer: The purpose of this article is only to provide information, not to recommend investment in any scheme. Past returns of equity mutual funds cannot be considered as a guarantee of similar performance in future. Take any investment decision only after getting complete information and taking advice from your investment advisor.)