Capcom recently announced that it is developing a new installment in the popular Resident Evil series, under the direction of veteran director Koshi Nakanishi. The news was revealed during the Capcom Next: Summer 2024 program, leaving fans of the series in anticipation. Koshi Nakanishi, a prominent figure in the video game industry, said: “We are making a new Resident Evil. It was really hard to figure out what to do after Resident Evil 7 biohazard. But we finally decided, and to be honest, it looks really substantial. I can’t share any details yet, but I hope you’re excited for this sneak peek.”
Nakanishi is no stranger to the Resident Evil series, having previously worked as a designer on Resident Evil 5 and as a director on Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D, Resident Evil: Revelations, and Resident Evil 7 biohazard. The latter in particular marked a return to the series’ horror roots, receiving praise for its eerie atmosphere and immersive gameplay. The reveal of a new entry raises expectations among fans of the series. After the success of Resident Evil 7 biohazard, which was considered a rebirth for the series thanks to its innovative approach and ability to bring horror back to the center of the experience, expectations for this new game are high.