We already know how many gigabytes each Metal Gear Solid Master Collection game takes up: the size of Metal Gear Solid 1, Sons of Liberty and Snake Eater on PS5 (which you can buy separately).
Metal Gear Solid Master Collection It is just around the corner. After this week (that of Spider-Man and Mario, it is no small feat) PlayStation, Xbox, Nintendo Switch and PC players will be able to revisit the first three Metal Gear Solid games updated (slightly) for the new systems.
Metal Gear Solid: Master Collection comes out on October 24th, both in a physical and digital pack, including each game separately. Like the GTA trilogy, each game is an individual download.
Thanks to Metal Gear Network We already know how much each Metal Gear Solid Master Collection game will take up on PS5, since pre-loading is now available. And curiously, Metal Gear Solid 2 is heavier than the third:
Size of Metal Gear Solid Master Collection games on PS5
- Metal Gear Solid 1: 8.45 GB
- Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty: 16.06 GB
- Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater: 14.77 GB
- Additional content: 654.42 MB
Remember that each game is almost identical to the original. In fact, they are taken from the version HD Collection, moving at 60 fps… except on Switch, where they go at 30 fps, and limited to 1080p. Here you have the performance and resolution comparison of all versions.
The best thing for fans is the digital content it has: two graphic novels, the script book for each game, and a master book that details the story and characters of each game, which occupies more than half a gigabyte, according to this data in PS5.
In addition to Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake, the originals for MSX and NES. And remember that it is “Volume 1”, so other releases of classics from the Konami saga are expected in the future, in preparation for the Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater remake.