When asked whether he would support military actions against Iranian nuclear facilities, US President Donald Trump said he would discuss this problem with senior figures, but not naming.
“The above problem can be solved without worry,” Reuters quoted Mr. Trump about the concern about Iran’s nuclear program, adding that it would be good if there was no need to take another step in Finding a solution to this problem.
Iran banned the development of nuclear weapons, and kept the olive branches to Mr. Trump
In terms of diplomacy with Iran, President Trump said the Tehran administration hoped to reach an agreement. “And if there is no agreement, I think it is okay,” according to Mr. Trump.
During the first term from 2017 to 2021, Mr. Trump withdrew from the 2015 nuclear agreement that was achieved under former President Barack Obama and imposed a series of embargo on Iran. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu praised this decision.
The Iranian army rehearsed at an unchanged location in the Northeast of this country according to the image published on January 20
In early 2020, Mr. Trump himself ordered the assassination of General Qassem Soleimani, Commander of the QUDS force (belonging to the Muslim Revolutionary Guard), at the Baghdad airport (Iraq).
However, the leader did not proceed to take a greater military action, and since the 2nd term election has kept a distance from advisers with “hawk” viewpoints to Iran.
According to the sheet The New York Timesbillionaire Elon Musk met a senior Iranian official after Mr. Trump was elected with the goal of seeking to reduce stress.
In another development, Mr. Trump withdrew his security protection for former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, once his loyal ally before considering his confrontation in the presidential campaign.
The US responsibility suspected Iran wanted to assassinate Pompeo to take revenge on General’s death, but Tehran denied this allegation.