On July 14, India launched its third lunar mission ‘Chandrayaan-3’ costing Rs 600 crore through LVM3 rocket. Chandrayaan-3 entered the Moon’s orbit on August 5 after its launch on July 14. The process of lowering it into the lunar orbit was completed before the separation of the propulsion and lander modules, so that it could come closer to the lunar surface.
When: Today at 6:04 pm
Where: Landing in the south polar region of the Moon
Live Telecast: Begins at 5:20 PM.
Where to watch: ISRO’s website, YouTube channel.
All eyes on Chandrayaan-3 landing
As part of ISRO’s ambitious third lunar mission, the lander module of Chandrayaan-3 will be soft-landed in the south polar region of the Moon at 6:04 pm on Wednesday. With this, India will create history by becoming the first country in the world to reach the South Pole of the Moon. India will become the fourth country in the world after the US, China and the former Soviet Union to soft-land on the lunar surface. The US, the former Soviet Union and China have made soft landings on the surface of the Moon, but not in the south polar region. This important process of soft-landing has been termed by ISRO officials as ’17 minutes of terror’. The lander has to fire its engines at the right time and at the right altitude, use the right amount of fuel, and then check that there is no obstruction or hilly area or crater before landing. Earlier, Chandrayaan 2 had crashed during soft landing.
Here Praggnananda is doing wonders
While Pragyan of Chandrayaan-3 will set foot on the lunar surface, India’s young Grandmaster R Praggnananda will take on world number one Magnus Carlsen on the other. The first game of the final of the FIDE Chess World Cup between the two ended in a draw on Tuesday. Praggnananda played with white pieces in the classical format game. Pragna put up an impressive performance against the more experienced and much higher-rated Carlsen. The 32-year-old Carlsen, a five-time world champion, tried to corner Pragna in the middle game. However, after 35 moves Pragna convinced him for a draw. Two classical games are to be played in the title match. Now today in this format, Carlsen will play with white pieces. If this match also ends in a draw, then two games of 25 minutes each will be played in the tiebreaker on Thursday. In case of no decision, there will be two rounds of 10 minutes each.