PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana 19th installment: The beneficiaries of Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana (PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana) are eagerly waiting for the 19th installment. This scheme, launched in February 2019, was implemented by the Central Government with the aim of providing financial assistance to small and marginal farmers. When will the beneficiary farmers get the 19th installment under this scheme? What are the eligibility criteria to avail the benefits of this scheme? And which farmers will not get benefits this time? Let us know the answers to all these questions.
Objective and benefits of PM Kisan Yojana
Under PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana, the Central Government provides financial assistance of Rs 6,000 to farmers every year. This amount is sent directly to the bank accounts of the farmers in three equal installments through Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT). The main objective of this scheme is to provide financial assistance to small and marginal farmers, so that they can bear the expenses of their farming.
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What is the eligibility for PM Kisan?
In the beginning of the scheme, beneficiaries were added on the basis of self-certification. Later the government made technical changes in it. Now beneficiaries are declared eligible or ineligible on the basis of information like Aadhaar number, land records and income tax details. Those farmers who do not fulfill the required criteria, their benefits are stopped. Whereas the farmers who fulfill the eligibility get all the installments directly in their account. If the decision on eligibility of a farmer is delayed for some reason, he would have received the outstanding amount also.
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In PM KisanWhich farmers will not get money?
The government has declared some categories of people considered financially strong ineligible to get benefits under PM Kisan Yojana. Farmers falling in these categories cannot avail the benefits of PM Kisan Yojana:
Institutional landowners: Farmers who own land under an institution.
Holders of constitutional office: People who hold or have held any constitutional office, such as current or former ministers, MPs, MLAs, municipal mayors, and district panchayat presidents.
Government Employees and Pensioners: Central or State Government employees (except Class IV employees) and pensioners receiving monthly pension of Rs 10,000 or more.
Income tax payers: Farmers who paid income tax in the last financial year.
Recovery from farmers found ineligible under the scheme
The government found that many ineligible farmers have also taken advantage of the scheme. The amount given under the scheme is being recovered from such farmers. According to a report of the Press Information Bureau released this month, till now Rs 335 crore has been recovered from such people across the country.
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How to surrender PM Kisan benefits?
If a person has received money under this scheme despite being ineligible as per the rules of PM Kisan Yojana, then he can surrender it on his own will without waiting for the recovery notice from the government. For this this process has to be followed:
Go to PM Kisan website.
Click on “Voluntary Surrender of PM Kisan Benefits”.
Enter your registration number and captcha code.
View your total benefits by submitting the OTP received on your phone.
Surrender your benefit by clicking ‘Yes’.
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When will the 19th installment of PM Kisan come?
The 19th installment is likely to be released in February 2025. However, this date has not been officially confirmed yet. Farmers are advised to update their documents and e-KYC status timely, so that there is no problem.
Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana is an important step taken to provide help to small and weak farmers. But it is important to see that its benefit is available only to those farmers who are eligible for it under the rules of the scheme. Farmers who are not getting benefits yet despite being eligible for this scheme, should update the necessary documents to prove their eligibility.