On February 22, Italian journalist Michele Serra published in The repubblica An article where he wondered if it would not be good to organize a great demonstration of European citizens in favor of Europe, his unity and his freedom. A manifestation with a unique flag: the flag of Europe. A manifestation with a single motto without hot cloths: “Europe is made here or dies.” The demonstration is celebrated today, March 15, in the Piazza del Popolo de Rome. I do not attend manifestations. I have phobia to the crowds; I don’t know why: I should consult my psychoanalyst. The only manifestation that I remember attending in my life was the one that was convened throughout Spain against the Islamist attacks in Madrid, in 2004, and it was because my father, that he could hardly fend for himself, asked me to accompany him. But the demonstration of Rome would attend; Rather: I will attend, even if it is only with a video sent by mobile. The only problem of that manifestation is that it is only Italian; It should be European: it should be huge and celebrate in all the capitals of Europe. We are still on time. I have no idea how a demonstration is organized, let’s not say a demonstration throughout Europe, I don’t even know if it could really organize. Could? Would anyone know how to do it? No idea. All I know is that it is necessary.
The time for truth has come to Europe. I have said it many times: United Europe is the only reasonable utopia that we have invented Europeans. Atrocious utopias – theoretical forbasins turned into real hells – we have invented a few; Reasonable utopias, on the other hand, only that. I do not use the word utopia in its etymological sense – ”there is no such place,” Quevedo translated – but in its sense, today much more common, desirable, ideal, although difficult to realize. No one has said that the construction of a united Europe is an easy task; What we do know is that this project is the only one that can guarantee peace, prosperity and democracy in Europe, and we know it because we have checked during the last 80 years. And it is united Europe – an unpublished political project in history, truly revolutionary, the great political project of the 21st century – what is in danger now. Today’s Europeans live trapped between Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump, between an autocrat and an aspiring autocrat, two thugs or two gangsters that only understand the language of extortion and only comply with the law of the strongest, and that they in no way want a united Europe, because they do not like democracy and because they know that Europe is the great bastion of democracy in the world; Also because they intuit that if Europe would really join, it would be an unbeatable competitor for them: hence they do everything possible to dismantle it. So right now, in Europe, peace, prosperity and democracy are in danger; That is: everything that the United European project has achieved during the last 80 years. Who does not see it is because he is blind. That is why it would be at least convenient for Europeans to – and not only the Italians – we would go out to the street to say some things that may be said.
For example:
That we are European, that we want to remain European and want to continue living as Europeans. That we know that what unites us is much more than what separates us, and much more important. That we have different stories, but also a common story and a shared inheritance: we like it or not, we all come from Athens and Jerusalem, from Socrates and Jesus Christ. That we have different languages, but a single heart. That the United Europe is no longer an elite project, as it was initially, a project conceived by a handful of brave visionaries that, at the end of World War II, horrified by the indescribable butcher shop that had just witnessed, they felt that a united Europe was the only way that Europeans would leave a dagger time to kill each other, as we had been doing; No: now the United European project is a popular project, because Europeans have learned that life literally is literally and that peace, prosperity and democracy depend on it in the continent. It would be necessary to say that Europe is not “a consortium”, as Trump calls it, but “a suggestive project of life in common”, for recycling the grooved words of Ortega, and that, if we have to choose a homeland – part of the homeland, which is the only homeland of truth -, our homeland is not Spain or France or France or any of the old European nations: our homeland is a European Against any nation or against any national feeling, but must all respect them, integrating them and transcending them. And also say that we want a real European Europe, a federal Europe, capable of combining political unity with linguistic, cultural and identity diversity. That we want to live in peace and that, precisely because of that, we are willing to defend Europe. That, if you have to make sacrifices for Europe, we will do them. That we do not want to see violence or paint, but that we are not faint -hearted and we will not let ourselves be amylled by thugs and gangsters. We are not afraid. That we will not allow the Ukrainians to crush, among other reasons because we know that, if we allow it, the next to be crushed we will be. That, there is plenty of saying it, we have nothing against the Russians and the Americans, but we beg you, if you are lacking knees and sobbing, to do the favor of getting rid of as soon as possible from the pair of disturbance that govern them. That we do not want to continue depending on the United States, which we want to remain an American protectorate, that we cannot be at the Albur of what the Americans vote every year, to see if we are lucky next time and do not vote for an undesirable one. That we should not depend on anyone. That, if we really join, we can not depend on anyone. That we are stronger than we believe: that we have the first market in the world and use the second currency in the world and we are the third economy in the world. That we are strong, but we do not believe in the right of force: we only believe in the force of law. That, if Europeans really join and have historical vision and political ambition, the 21st century can be that of the United Europe and, for our good and that of the rest of the world, it should be. And that, although current Europe does not satisfy us and we want a more just, more equitable, freer, more prosperous, more open to the world and more supportive with those who need it most, we know that Europe we can only get together.
To say these kinds of things – and some more – a demonstration of Europeans could be convened by Europe, in all the capitals of Europe. Is there anyone able to organize such a thing? If there is, to put on; Let the batteries put on, I mean. We need it urgently. We need a huge demonstration, which tells the world high and clear that, although Europe is threatened, Europeans are not going to give up. That we are together in this. That our democracy matters to us. That our freedoms care. That we are not going to leave the world in the hands of a couple of gangsters. And so on. Hopefully today in Rome is only the beginning. Hopefully the wick purses. The time of Europe has arrived. To shit my psychoanalyst: see you in the manifestation. Avanti Popolo!