The Constitution is being discussed in the Lok Sabha. Defense Minister Rajnath Singh, while starting the debate on the Constitution, said that such an atmosphere is being created as if the Constitution is the gift of one party. The opposition created a ruckus in the Parliament. Meanwhile, Priyanka Gandhi, MP from Wayanad, Kerala, discussed the Constitution in the Parliament and gave her first address in the Lok Sabha.
Lok Sabha MP Priyanka Gandhi Vadra said, “Our Constitution is a protective shield. A protective shield that keeps citizens safe. This is the shield of justice, unity and freedom of expression. It is sad that the ruling party colleagues, who have been making tall claims in the last 10 years, have made every effort to break this shield. The Constitution promises social, economic and political justice. These promises are a protective shield and the work of breaking it has started. “This government is working to weaken reservation through lateral entry and privatization.”
Speaking in the Lok Sabha during the discussion on the 75th anniversary of the adoption of the Indian Constitution, Congress MP Priyanka Gandhi Vadra said, “Some people from Sambhal had come to meet us, who were family members of the deceased. They had two children – Adnan and Uzair. One of them was my son’s age and the other was younger, 17 years old. His father was a tailor. The tailor had only one dream that he would educate his children, one son would become a doctor and the other would also be successful…The police shot his father. 17-year-old Adnan told me that he would grow up to become a doctor and fulfill his father’s dream. This dream and hope has been instilled in his heart by our Constitution of India…”