The first Oppo Watch, launched in 2020, was a smartwatch with great hardware, but it was hampered by inadequate software. Now, with the arrival of Wear OS 4.0, Android-based smartwatches have finally caught up with the competition by offering products with all the latest features, often at very affordable prices compared to alternatives from Google, Samsung and Apple. Such is the case with the new Oppo Watch X, which has finally arrived here with a new design and new features. The Watch X presents itself as a premium device: it boasts sapphire glass, fast dual-band GPS, high brightness up to 1,000 nits and advanced sensors for monitoring the heart rate, as well as stellar battery life.
The Oppo Watch X uses the Qualcomm W5 Gen 1 chipset, which is common in many flagship Wear OS smartwatches. Google apps like Maps, Gmail, and Wallet work well, and access to the Play Store is standard. However, despite its top-notch specs, the Watch X lacks unique features found on other devices, like the Galaxy Watch6’s bioelectrical impedance sensor (which is used to determine body composition) or the Pixel Watch 2’s electrodermal activity sensor. Common features like a sleep skin temperature sensor and female health sensor are also missing.
Of course, the Oppo Watch X shines when it comes to an Oppo ecosystem: Oppo’s OHealth app offers detailed, easily accessible data reporting if you’re using an Oppo smartphone, while the watch remains compatible with all contemporary Android phones. One of the most impressive aspects of the Oppo Watch X is its battery life. With a 500mAh battery, the device can last a full work week with all features enabled, which is impressive for a Wear OS smartwatch. In Smart mode, with all features enabled, the Watch X averages five days of battery life, even beating Samsung’s Galaxy Watch5 Pro.
The Oppo Watch X is available in two colors (gold and silver) and has a list price of 330 euros, but it can also be purchased from the Oppo website in two bundles: with the Enco X3i headphones for 365 euros, or with the Enco Air4 Pro headphones for 345 euros. The price makes it competitive with the Pixel Watch 2 and the Galaxy Watch6. There are alternative smartwatches with Wear OS that cost even less, such as the OnePlus Watch 2R, but this smartwatch is ideal for anyone who uses the Oppo ecosystem or is interested in a more minimal and classic design.