Namo Bharat Train: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday inaugurated the Sahibabad-New Ashok Nagar section of the 13 km long Namo Bharat train. With this, Delhi got its first Namo Bharat Corridor. Its operation for passengers will start from 5 pm on Sunday evening. Passengers will be able to cover the 55 km long distance between New Ashok Nagar (Delhi) and Meerut South (UP) in just 40 minutes. The fare for this journey has been kept at Rs 150 to Rs 225.
How much will the fare cost for which coach?
The 55 km long RRTS corridor between New Ashok Nagar and Meerut South has 11 stations. Which include the names of New Ashok Nagar Anand Vihar, Sahibabad, Ghaziabad, Guldhar, Duhai, Duhai Depot, Murad Nagar, Modinagar South, Modinagar North, Meerut South.Rapid rail will start operating for passengers in a few hours from now. Trains will be available for people every 15 minutes. The fare from New Ashok Nagar station to Meerut South station is Rs 150 for standard coach and Rs 225 for premium coach. This journey will take approximately 40 minutes.
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Girl recited poem to PM Modi
After inaugurating the 13 km long Sahibabad-New Ashok Nagar corridor of the Delhi-Meerut RRTS corridor, PM Modi also rode the Namo Bharat train from Sahibabad station to New Ashok Nagar station. During his visit, the Prime Minister along with children and people Had a conversation.
Have to go higher than amber,
We have to create a new India…A little girl recited a poem to PM Shri Narendra Modi during the Namo Bharat train journey.#MetroRevolutionInIndia #Modi in the heart of Delhi
— BJP (@BJP4India) January 5, 2025
The official statement said that the cost of construction of this part of Delhi-Ghaziabad-Meerut Namo Bharat Corridor is around Rs 4,600 crore. This will greatly ease the travel between Delhi and Meerut and millions of passengers will benefit from fast and comfortable travel along with excellent safety and reliability. The Prime Minister had inaugurated the 17-km priority section between Sahibabad and Duhai depot on October 20 last year.
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