The MPF (Federal Public Prosecutor’s Office) agreed to make an agreement with Jovem Pan, but rejected the station’s first proposal to end a public civil action that asks for the annulment of three radio concessions and a fine of R$ 13.4 million for disclosure of fake news and incitement to anti-democratic acts throughout 2022 and early 2023.
A conciliation hearing took place in São Paulo last Thursday afternoon (24) and there was no agreement for a TAC (Conduct Adjustment Term). O F5 had access to the document that was negotiated at the meeting. With no agreement between the parties, the process was suspended for 60 days while the clauses are adjusted.
In the text handed over to the Public Ministry, Jovem Pan states that it has been working since the beginning of the year to put an end to extremist speeches. Among the measures are the dismissals of commentators such as Rodrigo Constantino, Zoe Martinez, Ana Paula Henkel, Augusto Nunes and Tiago Pavinatto – the latter dismissed this week.
The company agreed to broadcast for four months, at least 15 times a day between 6 am and 9 pm, messages with official information about the reliability of the electoral process. This was one of the MPF’s requests.
However, Jovem Pan wanted the guarantee that it would not lose its public concessions and the release of payment of the fine. After analysis, the MPF agreed that the TAC is the best way, but asked for clauses to be revised. One of them is precisely financial accountability, which the Public Ministry does not want to give up.
Jovem Pan asked for the suspension of the action within a week, but the MPF requested a period of two months due to extrajudicial procedures that may occur during the adjustment negotiations. Judge Denise Aparecida Avelar, who handles the case, accepted the request of the public body, and the action will be stopped until October. If they reach a compromise in the period, Young and the MPF must inform the court.
Jovem Pan’s lawyers left the 6th Federal Civil Court of São Paulo satisfied, where the meeting with the federal prosecutors took place. The executives’ assessment is that the case will not have more serious consequences for the company and that the agreement is just a matter of time.