Manmohan Singh Death News Live Updates: Renowned economist Dr. Manmohan Singh, who was the Prime Minister of the country twice, died on Thursday in Delhi at the age of 92. He initiated historic economic reforms in the country in 1991 while being the Finance Minister in the Narasimha Rao government. After this, he also remained the Prime Minister of the country for two consecutive terms from 2004 to 2014.
After the victory of the United Progressive Alliance (UPA) in 2004, Manmohan Singh was made the Prime Minister. He signed the historic civil nuclear deal with America in July 2005. Under the leadership of Dr. Singh, UPA won the Lok Sabha elections in 2009 and formed the government for the second consecutive time and this time also he completed his 5-year tenure as the Prime Minister of the country. Despite the pressures of the alliance, Manmohan Singh gave new direction and strength to the country’s economy during his 10-year tenure. Cambridge University alumnus Manmohan Singh, as Finance Minister, laid the foundation of economic liberalization by presenting the country’s Union Budget in 1991. While presenting the budget, he had quoted Victor Hugo and said, “No power can stop an idea whose time has come.”
Dec 26, 2024 23:47 IST
Manmohan Singh Death News Live Updates: Rahul Gandhi said, I have lost my guide
Congress leader Rahul Gandhi expressed grief over the demise of Dr. Manmohan Singh and said that he has lost his guide. In a condolence message released on social media, Rahul Gandhi said, “I have lost my guide with the demise of Dr. Manmohan Singh ji. Manmohan Singh ji led India with utmost wisdom and honesty. His humility and deep understanding of economics. My deepest condolences to Mrs. Kaur and her family. We all who admired her will always remember her with pride.
Manmohan Singh Ji led India with immense wisdom and integrity. His humility and deep understanding of economics inspired the nation.
My heartfelt condolences to Mrs. Kaur and the family.
I have lost a mentor and guide. Millions of us who admired him will remember him with the…
—Rahul Gandhi (@RahulGandhi) December 26, 2024
Dec 26, 2024 23:42 IST
Manmohan Singh Death News Live Updates: India has lost a great leader: PM Modi
Prime Minister Narendra Modi paid tribute to former Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh, calling him “one of India’s most distinguished leaders” and said that his legacy will always live in the history of the country. In his message released on social media, Modi said, “Rising from an ordinary background, he became a respected economist and played an important role in shaping India’s economic policies.” PM Modi also praised his efforts in improving the lives of millions of people as Finance Minister and Prime Minister. Modi also recalled the conversations he had with Dr Singh when he was the Prime Minister, saying, “We used to have detailed discussions on various issues related to governance. His intelligence and humility were always clearly visible.”
India mourns the loss of one of its most distinguished leaders, Dr. Manmohan Singh Ji. Rising from humble origins, he rose to become a respected economist. He served in various government positions as well, including as Finance Minister, leaving a strong imprint on our economic…
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) December 26, 2024
Dec 26, 2024 23:30 IST
Manmohan Singh passes away Live Updates: 7 days of national mourning announced
Dr. Manmohan Singh passes away Live Updates: After the death of Dr. Manmohan Singh, the Central Government has announced 7 days of national mourning. It has also been announced to cancel all government programs scheduled for Friday.