As preparations for Prayagraj Mahakumbh 2025 gain momentum, the National Security Guard and Anti-Terrorism Squad conducted a joint mock drill at Prayagraj Junction on Thursday. The exercise took place on platforms 1 and 6, with active participation of Railway Protection Force and Government Railway Police. The drill simulated a scenario in which terrorists had taken hostage people at a railway station on Platform 6, under the command of the station director on Platform 1. On receipt of information, APF and GRP swiftly evacuated the affected areas and secured the premises. After this NSG and ATS were called for reinforcement.
Elite teams assessed the situation based on the information received from RPF and GRP. The mock operation on Platform 1 resulted in the arrest of a “terrorist” and the rescue of hostages during the tenure of the station director.
The exercise showcased preparedness and coordination among security agencies to deal with potential terrorist threats. Senior officials including senior divisional security commissioner Vijay Prakash Pandit, SP Abhishek Yadav, senior divisional mechanical engineer Vikas Kumar and other dignitaries monitored the exercise.
The successful execution of the mock drill highlighted the alertness and readiness of the security forces to ensure the safety of passengers at Prayagraj Junction. Mahakumbh is being celebrated after 12 years and more than 45 crore devotees are expected to attend this event. During Mahakumbh, devotees will gather at the confluence of rivers Ganga, Yamuna and Saraswati to take a holy bath.