Ladli Bahna Yojana 20th Installment Released, here steps to check status: There is good news for the women of Madhya Pradesh. State Chief Minister Dr. Mohan Yadav (MP CM Mohan Yadav) released the 20th installment of Ladli Brahmin Yojana on Sunday. Under the scheme, financial assistance worth Rs 1553 crore has been sent to the bank accounts of 1.27 crore women beneficiaries through a single click. Earlier, on the special occasion of National Youth Day, he launched Swami Vivekananda Yuva Shakti Mission in Bhopal, the capital of Madhya Pradesh.
Apart from giving gifts to dear sisters before Makar Sankranti, CM Mohan Yadav from Kalapipal in Shajapur district of the state sent social security pension of Rs 335 crore to 55 lakh beneficiaries. During this period, he also transferred an amount of more than Rs 27 crore to 26 lakh sisters for cylinder refilling. CM Mohan Yadav has arrived to participate in the Ladli Bahna Sammelan organized at Kalapipal in Shajapur district on the occasion of National Youth Day.
Transfer of funds to the accounts of beneficiaries for Ladli Brahmin Yojana, Social Security Pension and cylinder refilling in a program organized by Chief Minister Dr. Mohan Yadav in Kalapipal, District Shajapur. @DrMohanYadav51#laadli_sister #Chief Minister_Public_Kalyan_Abhiyan
— Chief Minister, MP (@CMMadhyaPradesh) January 12, 2025
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Women beneficiaries check status like this
Under Ladli Behan Yojana, an amount of Rs 1250 has been sent to the accounts of eligible women beneficiaries of Madhya Pradesh. Whether the installment of Ladli Brahmin Yojana has reached your account or not, you can check the status with the help of the steps mentioned here.
- First of all go to the official website of Chief Minister Ladli Behan Yojana
- Click on the application and payment status visible on the homepage.
- Now the women beneficiaries registered here will have to log in. For this, Ladli Brahmin application number or member composite number will be asked. Linked mobile number OTP will also be sent with Ladli Brahm Yojana.
- To log in, fill Ladli Brahmin application number or member composite number, captcha code and ask for OTP.
- Fill the OTP received on the mobile number and click on the Search option. After this, details of the application and installment status will appear on your screen.
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If Rs 1250 is not credited to your account then do this work
About 1.27 crore women of Madhya Pradesh are getting the benefit of Ladli Behan Yojana. Every month, money is transferred to the accounts of these women beneficiaries through Direct Benefit Transfer by a single click. The 20th installment of the scheme was released today by Chief Minister Mohan Yadav. If the money for the 20th installment of the scheme has not been received in the account of a woman. So there is no need to worry. In such a situation, eligible beneficiaries should first check their KYC. If the KYC process is not completed, it could be due to your installment getting stuck. That’s why get your KYC completed immediately.
If a woman’s KYC is complete and yet the installment money has not reached her account. So in such a situation, women can lodge a complaint regarding this. Women can register their complaint by calling the helpline number of the scheme 0755-2700800 or by sending an email to Along with this, complaint can be lodged on CM helpline number 181 or email