Mamta Kulkarni in Maha Kumbh: Big news has come about actress-turned-sanyasi Mamta Kulkarni during the ongoing Mahakumbh 2025 in Prayagraj. She is going to become Mahamandaleshwar of Kinnar Akhara. After this, she will be known as Mahamandaleshwar Mamta Nand Giri instead of Mamta Kulkarni. It is reported that for this, Mamta Kulkarni herself performed Pind Daan on the banks of Sangam in Prayag Raj and it is being told that her Pattabhishek has also been performed. Pictures of Mamata Banerjee wearing saffron clothes, Rudraksha garland around her neck and a bag on her shoulder have also come up.
Took sannyasa initiation in Mahakumbh
Mamta Kulkarni was a popular actress of the 90s. The news of his coming to the Maha Kumbh Mela has been coming earlier also. But the news is that he has taken the initiation of Sannyasa under the guidance of Acharya Mahamandaleshwar Dr. Lakshmi Narayan Tripathi of Kinnar Akhara. He started his new spiritual journey by offering his own Pind Daan on the banks of Sangam. It is being told that on the evening of January 24, Mamta Kulkarni was consecrated during a special ceremony in Prayagraj. Mahamandaleshwar Swami Jai Ambanand Giri of Juna Akhara was also present on this occasion. After taking initiation, Mamta Kulkarni will now be known as Mamta Nand Giri.
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Journey from Bollywood to spirituality
Mamta Kulkarni acted in superhit films like ‘Karan Arjun’, ‘Tiranga’, ‘China Gate’, ‘Baaji’, and ‘Chuppa Rustom’ in Hindi cinema. After achieving name and fame in the glamor world, she turned towards spirituality in 1996. Mamta says that inspired by Guru Gagan Giri Maharaj, she chose the path of religion and spiritual practice.
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Decided to return to India after 25 years
Mamta Kulkarni stayed out of India for 25 years. There was much speculation about his return after he was seen at the Mumbai airport in December 2024. But Mamta clarified that she has come only to participate in Mahakumbh 2025. Leaving his previous life behind, he has now dedicated himself to religion and spirituality.