Kotak MNC Fund : If you want to invest in any new and innovative themed scheme of mutual fund, then you have a good opportunity. Kotak Mahindra Asset Management Company Limited (Kotak Mutual Fund) has launched its New Fund Offer (NFO) based on Multinational Companies (MNC) theme. This new scheme has been launched in the name of Kotak MNC Fund, which is an open-ended equity scheme. Through this fund, investors will get exposure to multinational companies with global reach.
SIP Magic: This scheme gave Rs 4 crore to those who saved Rs 1500 monthly, became the champion of SIP by giving 24% CAGR returns in 29 years
You can invest with minimum Rs 100
Investors can invest a minimum of Rs 100 in this scheme and any amount thereafter in multiples of Re 1. There is also a facility to start SIP from Rs 100. The portfolio will contain stocks of strong multinational companies from different sectors and different market caps, which will also provide the benefit of diversification. Kotak MNC Fund is opening for subscription on October 7, 2024 and investments can be made till October 21, 2024. This fund will be managed by Harsh Upadhyay and Dhananjay Tikariha.
Low Return in SIP: SIP strategy lags behind in these mutual funds, not able to beat even FD in returns
31 August 2009 to 31 August 2024: Index Performance
Nifty MNC TRI : 16.11%
Nifty 500 TRI : 14.18%
Nifty 50 TRI : 13.28%
Leader MNC companies in these sectors
Automobiles and Auto Components
capital goods
construction materials
Media and Entertainment
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investment strategy
The fund will identify companies with the potential for sustainable growth at appropriate valuations, leveraging deep understanding from a strong research team and framework to ensure that the best opportunities are captured across different market caps and sectors. Can go.
Nilesh Shah, Managing Director, Kotak Mahindra Asset Management Company, says that with this fund, we aim to invest in companies that not only have a strong global footprint but also have strong growth potential. We will select the best options across market caps and sectors, while ensuring that we continue to provide value to our investors.
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Why MNC fund can be a better option
Multinational companies, with their global presence, strong brands and research and development capabilities, often have some advantage over domestic companies. Kotak MNC Fund focuses on investing in multinational companies that are known for their strong global brand presence, advanced operations, profits driven by advanced technology, strong management quality and financial strength. These companies are present in different sectors and have significant international business exposure.
diversified portfolio
The fund offers investors a diversified portfolio that takes advantage of the long-term growth potential of these well-established global companies. That means investors get the benefit of the growth of multinational companies. Investing in MNC funds brings diversification to the portfolio, which reduces risk and volatility. This can be especially beneficial during market uncertainties.
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High returns in long term
Kotak MNC Fund aims to achieve high long-term returns by investing in equity and equity related securities of multinational companies. The fund has the facility to invest in different market cap companies i.e. largecap, midcap and smallcap.
Stocks with strong growth potential
Nilesh Shah says that multinational companies move forward with research, innovation and advanced technology. These companies excel in different geographies and have strong business models, which gives them an advantage over other companies in the same sector. Kotak MNC Fund aims to take advantage of this strength of multinational companies. It also aims to provide investors access to market leaders across different sectors, geographies and market caps.
Harsh Upadhyay, CIO & Fund Manager, Kotak Mahindra Asset Management Company, says Kotak MNC Fund has been designed to leverage the potential of multinational companies, with the aim of driving sustained performance through innovation and operational strength. We believe that multinational companies, with their global expertise and local understanding, are in a strong position to benefit from changing market conditions or dynamics.
(Note: Past performance may or may not be sustained in future. Investors are advised to consult their financial advisor before taking any investment decision. Kotak Mahindra Asset Management Company Limited (KAMAMC) does not guarantee any returns/future performance. Does not guarantee or promise returns. The factors given above are provided as examples only.