Jovem Pan dismissed presenter Tiago Pavinatto, presenter of the Linha de Frente program and commentator for Os Pingos nos Is, on Tuesday night (22). The reason was that he refused to apologize to a judge after calling him ” vagabond and pervert” at the end of the evening attraction he presents. The commentator Rodolfo Mariz was also dismissed.
The dismissal was officially confirmed by Jovem Pan when F5. Pavinatto uttered the offenses on Monday (21) against the judge Airton Vieira, of the TJ-SP (São Paulo Court of Justice), because of a decision that cleared an accused of rape against a 13-year-old girl.
Management asked him to apologize, fearing problems, but he was unsuccessful. On the contrary: Pavinatto was exalted in the air.
“The management of the house is asking Judge Airton Vieira to withdraw and I will not do it. And I make it clear here: I will not make a withdrawal for a person who earns public money, frees a pedophile, and still calls the victim, 13 years old, a slut”, said the presenter.
“I refuse to do it. I’m being insistently asked to recant. I’m not going to do it, I’m sorry. There’s no more atmosphere. Talking about a child ends me. I hope that tomorrow I’ll come back here”, concluded Pavinatto.
Rodolfo Muniz was dismissed because he was considered, behind the scenes, the name that influenced Pavinatto to revolt. When commenting on the case involving the magistrate, he cried live on Jovem Pan. New presenters and commentators will be defined this Tuesday to replace Pavinatto.
Read the Jovem Pan note in full:
“The presenter Tiago Pavinatto and the commentator Rodolfo Mariz committed excesses in their participation and refused the orientation to carry out, at the end of the Linha de Frente program, a responsible retraction.
Due to what happened, the channel’s management decided to dismiss the professionals”