. The document, approved by the Inter-Ministerial Committee (Comint) chaired by Minister Adolfo Urso, Authority delegated to Space and Aerospace Policies, in line with the indications of the Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, places emphasis on several key aspects.
. The importance of integrating space technologies with other advanced sectors, such as artificial intelligence, cloud computing and robotics, to encourage the digitalisation of production processes is also underlined. Italy aims to consolidate its leadership in strategic supply chains and in Important Projects of Common European Interest (IPCEI), promoting international partnerships and exploiting the opportunities offered by bilateral and multilateral cooperation.
. Viene inoltre evidenziata la necessità di un quadro normativo chiaro e di misure di semplificazione burocratica, per rendere più efficace la governance del settore e agevolare la partecipazione delle imprese a progetti internazionali e l’accesso al mercato globale.
in linea con il DDL Spazio approvato dal Consiglio dei Ministri. This constellation represents a strategic pillar for the economic and technological competitiveness of the country and will offer significant opportunities to stimulate the production sectors, both aerospace and other fields, with particular attention to SMEs and startups.
During the Comint session, which was also attended by the Undersecretary of State at the Presidency of the Council with responsibility for the security of the Republic, Alfredo Mantovano, and the president of the ASI, Teodoro Valente, 130 million euros were assigned as the Italian share di finanziamento al programma .
La riunione ha inoltre sottolineato il ruolo di primo piano dell’Italia nel 2024, “anno dello Spazio”, a 60 anni dal lancio del satellite San Marco 1, che rese l’Italia la terza nazione al mondo a raggiungere lo spazio con un proprio satellite. Si ricordano anche la presentazione della prima legge italiana sulla Space Economy, ora all’approvazione del Parlamento,.