On the occasion of the Samsung AI Days – AI for ALL, the brand announced the results of the new Trend Radar on the topic of “Italians and artificial intelligence”, the latest in a series of research that the company developed together with Human Highway, an institute of market research specialized in the analysis of changes in human relationships produced by technologies and the digital world. The analysis reveals that 58% of Italians still do not have a clear idea of what AI actually is. Even though they do not understand the technical details, they perceive the benefits in the present and in the future: GenZ is the most prepared generation on the topic: 55% of them have precise knowledge of the subject. Followed by Millennials (49%) and GenX (37%). Boomers, on the other hand, are the category with the least clear ideas: in fact, among those who declare having a vague knowledge, 71% are from this generation.
As regards people’s attitude towards this technology in our country, a general climate of trust emerges: 65% of Italians believe that it will improve our lives. AI is the future for 79% of Italians, and is perceived as an innovation capable of simplifying the use of technology in daily life by 84%. It is seen as a tool that will soon become an everyday ally by 79% of those interviewed, thanks to the level of customization that it is able to enable in each device, responding to the needs of the individual user (among the most confident, GenZ for 85%), and concrete help in making our lives more sustainable because it will support us in reducing energy consumption (71%). A real strong point of AI according to Italians is saving from different points of view: time saving, for 48% of those interviewed, resource saving (35% of the sample indicated this) and energy saving for 32%.
The Trend Radar reveals that only one in four Italians declares that they do not use AI in their daily productivity related to study or work. Searching for information on little-known topics, managing and re-elaborating information and creating textual and multimedia content are the most frequent operations for 32%, 25% and 24% of those interviewed respectively. One in three Italians also indicates artificial intelligence as a fundamental support for translations. There are notable differences at a generational level: if only 11% of GenZ declare that they do not use AI in their daily productivity, the percentage rises to 21% of Millennials, 32% of GenX and around 37% of Boomers. Almost one in two GenZ respondents use AI to search for information on little-known topics, 35% in the management and reprocessing of information, 24% to review documents, 20% for writing emails.
Only one Italian in five declares that they do not use AI for entertainment and social relations. The research results show that over 26% of the sample believes that AI plays an increasingly central role in their free time, to better enjoy their passions such as music, travel, TV, streaming, podcasts, gaming. Those who use it consider it useful for learning languages (28%) and managing commitments (27%), followed by television entertainment (23%) and music (21%), in particular for content suggestions personalized. Interestingly, for GenZ this percentage even rises to 41%: 30% of them identify it with help in having personalized TV content, 27% with the proposal of podcasts and music of interest, 18% with gaming. When it comes to travel, only 15% of the sample declares not to use AI. The greatest use is made for simultaneous translations (38%), searching for useful information on the destination (33%) and planning (26%). Leading this trend are Boomers with 41% of respondents. In general, in fact, the use of travel-related AI increases with age.
According to Italians, the devices on which artificial intelligence can reach the highest levels of usefulness are the smartphone (54%), the laptop (44%), household appliances (27%), Smart TVs (17%), the smartwatch (11%), tablet (7%). Smartphones and laptops are considered the two devices on which AI has the greatest impact for GenZ (approximately 55%). The laptop, however, is the device that can most benefit from AI according to 49% of Boomers (against 47% of the smartphone). Millennials identify Smart TVs as the devices in which Intelligence can reach its maximum levels of personalized help to the user (19% of the sample versus 14% of GenZ members). Home appliances, on the other hand, reach their peak with GenX (28%). Italians perceive artificial intelligence as a valid ally even in the domestic sphere: 29% of GenZ consider it useful in the kitchen to get ideas on recipes to prepare, 22% for keeping the house clean. Boomers see its usefulness in reducing energy consumption (58%) and improving the safety of their home (51%).