IPL 2025 Starts from 23rd March: A big update is coming out regarding the Indian Premier League (IPL 2025). The upcoming season of IPL will start from 23 March 2025. Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) Vice President Rajeev Shukla said that IPL 2025 will start from March 23. News agency ANI gave this information on Sunday quoting BCCI. Rajiv Shukla can be heard giving this information in a video of the agency. This update has come out after the annual meeting of BCCI. However, the schedule of the 18th edition of IPL has not been released yet.
The election of Secretary and Treasurer was also held in this BCCI meeting held in Mumbai. BCCI’s new secretary Devjit Saikia and treasurer Prabhtej Singh Bhatia were elected unopposed. Earlier, a two-day mega auction was held in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia in late November 2024.
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